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Monday, May 11, 2015
Monday, September 8, 2014
Sandara International Digital Artist from Singapore
Sandara is a digital artist from Singapore, most of her artwork isDigital Art / Drawings & Paintings / Illustrations / Conceptual visit all of sandara work at this link http://sandara.deviantart.com/
Saturday, January 25, 2014
Friday, November 4, 2011
Mawns International Digital Artist from Sweden
Mawn is number one Top Author Creator Font on Dafont, and here is the interview
visit Mawn on:
http://mawns.deviantart.com/ http://www.mawns.com
1. What is your real name, what is your nick name on internet, and Short story behind your nick name that you use to introduce you in this digital world?
My name is Måns Grebäck, I call myself Mawns online.
The reason I use it is that it sounds similar to how Måns is pronounced in Swedish. I've used it for a long time and keep using it because it's unique, and unlike "Måns" it can be used for usernames, email etc...
2. Tell me short story about the real of you, where do you live?, background of your life, and your social life?
I currently live in Borlänge, Sweden, and study graphic design at University of Dalarna.
I grew up in a town called Lindesberg, where I went to college art school.
I am now 21 years old. My favorite music is mainly American hip hop.
I've loved art and graphic all my life, and it has been obvious for me what subject I want to work with.
3. What is your specialty in digital art?( vector, vexels, brush, or other)?
I like to work with vector. It can be edited, you don't have to worry about resolution or compression and is pretty easy to work with. Also like how you can build complex graphic from simple shapes.
It's also fun to paint digitally.
Another thing I love is to work with 3D. That's something I can see myself work with in the future, along with making logotypes and other graphics.
4. Tell me short story about your specialty skill and technique that’s make different from other artist?
When I look at the fonts I've made I notice there's a lot of different types of fonts. I often use different techniques.
I don't like to make fonts similar to what I've already done, I want to try new techniques and new looks on the fonts.
The same goes for much of the work I do.
I can get inspired by a logotype or an image and try to reproduce it in a better way.
It's not unusual that I fail, but I believe it's a good training.
5. What is your main purpose and goal in your professional work?
To be able to do what I love and work in my own way without economical issues.
I also want my work to be spread and loved, of course!
It would be fun to work with artists and musicians I like.
6. If you believing god, what do you think about all of god creation?
I believe in evolution and think all of it's creations are beautiful. The best art that will ever exist!
7. What is the best art from you, and that you think is the best, and tell me why?
Hard to say. In reality, it's probably my most downloaded fonts that are the best work.
But personally I like my "unknown", underestimated art.
Monday, October 10, 2011
Lineking International Digital Artist from Russia
Serj by ~gromarog on deviantART
pray for Japan by ~gromarog on deviantART
Masha by ~gromarog on deviantART
portrait of Tavo and VIDEO by ~gromarog on deviantART
Gillbert by ~gromarog on deviantART
Storm on the Sea by ~gromarog on deviantART
an Interview with the amazing Lineking aka gromarog aka Dmitri, True 100% vector artist, with only Usb Mouse, visit him at http://gromarog.deviantart.com/
1. What is your real name, what is your nick name on internet, and Short story behind your nick name that you use to introduce you in this digital world?
Hi! My name is Dmitri, I'm 25 years old.
Among digital artist I'm known as "LINEKING",this is not just a nickname, but is my purpose in life. I have a dream to become the best Vector artist in the world who works with CorelDraw. For the past year I've grown in my skill. My favorite style of vector is "Art Line" and I'm inspired by the drawings of Alfread Mucha. I took the nickname of "LineKing" partly because I started my career as an Vector artist using the "line art" style.
This is my first try as an artist:
The image was drawn at 2008 year for my friends Anna-Lisa and Nele, special for their Facebook profiles
2. Tell me short story about the real of you, where do you live?, background of your life, and your social life?
Born in a small Russian town Spassk-Dalny that was founded by Cossacks, including mine great-grandfather.
I work at facebook. I’m facebook ambassador, not platform engineer or developer. I'm working at support team for facebook users in Russia. And also I'm represent new facebook features.
Recently, a lot of time I have spend on the my PC: work, draw, and communicate. Previously, I performed on stage and was known as MADMAN - rap artist.
I'm also writing a book: post-apocalyptic novel "Green Lamp". I hope it will be released in english too.
I am inspired by the works of digital artist Adhemas Batista and famous artist of 19 century - Alfonse Mucha.
3. What is your specialty in digital art?( vector, vexels, brush, or other)?
I'm 100% vector artist
4. Tell me short story about your specialty skill and technique that’s make different from other artist?
I don’t know if there is something special about how I draw. I constantly improve myself. Maybe I was different from others that I draw only with the USBmouse; I don’t make sketches on paper and not use the reference or traced photography in the works.
In my childhood, my mother often took me to her work, where I was sitting behind Pentium monitor and draw in “windows paint”. Since that time I use to draw a mouse.
5. Tell me short story about idea behind of all of your artwork?
Sometimes I try to express my feelings and emotions, and sometimes it's just pictures on a whim.
6. What is your main purpose and goal in your professional work?
I want to be the best, success in all - to prove my girlfriend that I'm worthy of her.
7. What is your hope about digital art?
I dream of a time when the vector images becomes a full part of the world arts.
8. What do you think about the internet for all of your existence in this earth?
I think the Internet and social networks changed the world forever. Now everything is available all information at your fingertips. You can easily share your creativity with the all world and you does not need a lot of money to bring some a special exhibition in a distant country or city. But most importantly – how the internet connecting people closer together by removing borders in communication.
9. Quote from you about computer and the entire thing about that’s support you become you now?
The computer is just a new tool. Earlier, in my youth, I have draw in watercolor, oil, gouache, pencils. At one moment I got psychological trauma and now I don’t use a real brushes or tools on any pretext. The computer has allowed me to continue my draw, but in a new form.
10. If you believing god, what do you think about all of god creation?
We must receive the same favor as failures and our successes. Our failure is indicating our mistakes and makes us better, successes - it's just reward for our efforts. In Creation of God to any of us has a certain place. The purpose of our lives - to find out our position and took it - faithfully perform duty, so only by this way we will find harmony and therefore happiness.
- “Everything animate or inanimate that is within the universe is controlled and owned by the Lord. One should therefore accept only those things necessary for himself, which are set aside as his quota, and one should not accept other things, knowing well to whom they belong.”
“Sri Isopanisad” by His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
11. What do you think about the “time” for your chance to be “you” now?
Time, this is a treasure that I don't have. But I continue to rise in my skills and learning from my mistakes. I'm very carefully listen criticism addressed to me.
12. What is the best art from you, and that you think is the best, and tell me why?
With this art is related the most of mine vivid emotions at the last few years. I have a lot put into it of myself and my feelings to my girlfriend, maybe it is not perfect as a picture, but it is my true attitude and I’m..
In the end, I would like to wish to all the artists and to your readers - happiness, true happiness and inspiration, skill will come with time.
Best regards, LINEKING
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Viccolatte International Digital Artist from Sweden
Laura the Sailor by *Viccolatte on deviantART
Starry lady by *Viccolatte on deviantART
Color drops by *Viccolatte on deviantART
Portrait exercise by *Viccolatte on deviantART
Ruby by *Viccolatte on deviantART
Lychee by *Viccolatte on deviantART
Waterfruit by *Viccolatte on deviantART
How beautiful her artwork, Ladies and Gentleman, please welcome Viktoria Gavrilenko
Hello! Wow I'm almost nervous haha. Thanks for giving me this opportunity, I'll answer as best I can.
1. What is your real name, what is your nick name on internet, and Short story behind your nick name that you use to introduce you in this digital world?
My real name is Viktoria Gavrilenko, I guess my nickname on the net is Vicco. My friends call me either Vic, or Vix, though. Why? My real name's too long, perhaps.
2. Tell me short story about the real of you, where do you live?, background of your life, and your social life?
The real me lives in Sweden, Stockholm, in a small, but cute apartment together with my boyfriend. I'm originally from Belarus, but moved to Sweden at the age of seven. Right now I'm 22, and pendling two jobs, one of them as an illustrator.
3. What is your specialty in digital art?( vector, vexels, brush, or other)?
Photoshop, and... brushing... and textures.
4. Tell me short story about your specialty skill and technique that’s make different from other artist?
Yeah well, those special skills are exactly what I'm still looking for in my art. Hopefully if I get them in the future, I'll be able to answer this question more satisfactory, heh.
5. Tell me short story about idea behind of all of your artwork?
My ideas come from my every day life and stuff that happens around me, from reading books, writing short-stories and of course the many talented artists out there. And my killer-imagination
6. What is your main purpose and goal in your professional work?
To grow as an artist, to always do my best and to never give up!
7. What is your hope about digital art?
That it will continue to inspire me, and I also want to earn money with it.
8. Quote from you about” you” as (digital artist, vector artist, vexel artist)
Don't give up no matter what. Experiment, challenge yourself, do not be afraid of the unexplored. You can do it!
9. Quote from you about your life as human being
Love, live, laugh.
10. What do you think about the internet for all of your existence in this earth?
It's a wonderful thing. I've met so many beautiful, inspiring people on the net. But it can also bite. Everyone should make an effort to be more friendly on the net, I think.
11. Quote from you about computer and the entire thing about that’s support you become you now?
My computer is my baby! I protect it with all my might! That... and it cost a LOT of money.
12. What is the most important thing for you to be a digital artist (vector/vexels/digital artist/other)
To keep painting and keep growing as an artist, and collect as many photoshop brushes as I can.
13. What is the most important thing for you to be” human” in this earth?
To be true to myself and those around me. To forgive. To love life while I'm still here.
14. If you believing god, what do you think about all of god creation?
I believe in all living things being connected, but not through a deity, but through life itself.
15. What do you think about the “time” for your chance to be “you” now?
Heck I've been myself all my life and I'm quite happy about it Amazing I'm not tired of myself yet haha.
16. What is the best art from you, and that you think is the best, and tell me why?
Color Drops. I put much effort and studies into this, and had incredibly much fun while painting all the fish and the girl, and her hair! What makes it the best is mostly that it's the first painting where I've really felt like I've achieved a "personal style" in which I want to keep painting.
Color drops by *Viccolatte on deviantART
17. What’s mean “fun” feeling for you?
Anything from eating my favorite chocolate cake to playing a fun game and just laughing my socks off with my friends. I can even start laughing when I'm alone, if I remember something fun somebody said.
18. If you have feeling fun, would you like to share and what would it be?
It would be so much! Too much! I can't even decide what to pick... To me fun is life itself.
19. do you honest about all of your artwork, and it’s all is your true creativity and not from your Employer work, because if its true, the artwork will be featured
Yes it's all my own stuff. Comes from my personal comp and my very own personal brain.
Monday, September 28, 2009
WS-Clave International Digital Artist from England
Microbus 11 Window 9-way Split by *WS-Clave on deviantART
Tank Mk IV Female by *WS-Clave on deviantART
Napier Railton 1933 by *WS-Clave on deviantART
Weapon - Jaeger Rifle by *WS-Clave on deviantART
Anastasia by *WS-Clave on deviantART
Triumph Trident T160 by *WS-Clave on deviantART
Dogfighters Series 2 Part 2 by *WS-Clave on deviantART
Dogfighters Series 1 Part 1 by *WS-Clave on deviantART
Dogfighters Series 1 Part 2 by *WS-Clave on deviantART
Dogfighters Series 1 Part 3 by *WS-Clave on deviantART
Dogfighters Series 2 Part 3 by *WS-Clave on deviantART
Dogfighters Series 2 Part 4 by *WS-Clave on deviantART
Dogfighters Series 2 Part 5 by *WS-Clave on deviantART
Dogfighters Series 2 Part 6 by *WS-Clave on deviantART
the most extraordinary graphic designer, that discover almost all war vehicle from all around the world all vehicle come from sea, land and air as war vehicle and its digitize by the amazing work of WS Clave So these make WS Clave as valuable digital artist from our lovely digital earth
Proudly present the interview with WS Clave, I hope you can enjoy it
1. What is your real name, what is your nick name on internet, and Short story behind your nick name that you use to introduce you in this digital world?
My real name is Bill and my nick is Clave, which is a bit of evil from the stories by Stephen Donaldson.
2. Tell me short story about the real of you, where do you live?, background of your life, and your social life?
I live in England, my background is electronics, I was in the RAF for 12 years, and worked for an audiovisual company for 19 years after that. I am self-employed/unemployed now. My social life consists of staying at home mostly, with occasional trips to air shows and museums with my partner.
3. What is your specialty in digital art?( vector, vexels, brush, or other)?
Vector is 99% of my work - I come from a CAD background, but I can do other stuff too.
4. Tell me short story about your specialty skill and technique that’s make different from other artist?
I grasped the Mesh and forced it to do what I wanted it to do.
5. Tell me short story about idea behind of all of your artwork?
I became interested in planes again after a gap of many years, and after seeing how many bad pictures were out there, decided to teach myself Illustrator to do a better job of it.
6. What is your main purpose and goal in your professional work?
I hope to make money as well as learn something new, and pass that sense of history on to others.
7. What is your hope about digital art?
That it will grow and remain strong.
8. Quote from you about” you” as (digital artist, vector artist, vexel artist)
Accuracy and detail always shine through.
9. Quote from you about your life as human being
My life is never dull as long as I keep my imagination.
10. What do you think about the internet for all of your existence in this earth?
There was no internet, and then there was, and it was good.
11. Quote from you about computer and the entire thing about that’s support you become you now?
It's my life.
12. What is the most important thing for you to be a digital artist (vector/vexels/digital artist/other)
That others appreciate what I do.
13. What is the most important thing for you to be” human” in this earth?
To live, thrive, and survive.
14. If you believing god, what do you think about all of god creation?
No comment.
15. What do you think about the “time” for your chance to be “you” now?
These are hard times, and I hope things will turn around.
16. What is the best art from you, and that you think is the best, and tell me why?
I don't think I have got there yet, but my aircraft, weapons, and vehicles are my best so far.
17. What’s mean “fun” feeling for you?
To laugh at something in a book or on TV.
18. If you have feeling fun, would you like to share and what would it be?
Only watching a film like Blazing Saddles, and appreciating the 'non politically correct' humour.
19. do you honest about all of your artwork, and it’s all is your true creativity and not from your Employer work, because if its true, the artwork will be featured
Definitely all mine.
thank you WS CLAVE you are the amazing vector artist, in mesh and vector art,
hope all the best all lucky, all fortune, all happiness, happen with you in all your day, may all your hope, wish and dream come true...good luck my friend
"life for fun"
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Emmil International DIgital Artist from Bogor Indonesia

Jack and Chloe: Censored vers. by `emmil on deviantART
Till The End With You - art by `emmil on deviantART
You Came Back by `emmil on deviantART
Goodbye by `emmil on deviantART
Heart Battle by `emmil on deviantART
The Griffin + Tutorial by `emmil on deviantART
Jack and Kraz: TheLast Unicorn by `emmil on deviantART
Pure garden, where the butterfly, bird, mammalian, flower and plant transform in to pretty fantasy mutant, showing their perfect gesture in every eye catching scene. Some sky still blue, and blurring fog and dew, sparkle shine by sun, suddenly its change in too dark rock and blood, like heaven falling down on hell.
And for all this ironic fantastic artistic artwork, yes emmil is valuable Digital artist for our lovely digital Earth
You may found her in here http://emmil.deviantart.com/
Proudly present inteview of emill
1. What is your real name, what is your nick name on the internet, and a bit of short story behind your nick name that you use to introduce you in this digital world?
Emmilia Thomas :) Now you know where my Nick comes from. It's either Emmil, or Emmil Thomas.
2. Tell me a short story about the real of you, where do you live?, background of your life, and your social life?
I live in the east of Cibubur, West Java, Indonesia. More about me + my photo can be read here: http://emmil.deviantart.com/art/Just-me-today-P-121598476 My little house: http://emmil.deviantart.com/art/See-the-other-meh-72855969
3. What is your specialty in digital art?( vector, vexels, brush, or other)?
Fantasy semi realism digital painting. I like picturing emotions, usually in sad or romantic themes. I use Photoshop only. Not really a fans of other software.
4. Tell me a short story about your specialty skill and technique that make you different from other artists?
Hmm... I'm a varied artist. I can make pixel arts, photo manipulations, pure paintings & I also like writing poems. Sometimes I combines one or more skills that I have to create an art piece. Something like this: http://emmil.deviantart.com/art/Till-The-End-With-You-art-89709948 for example.
5. Tell me a short story about the ideas behind all of your artworks?
Ideas? I've got too many ideas I'm so confused which one I should paint first, lol. A single song I've heard, a photo I've seen... each of them can inspire a lot of stories in my head.
6. What are your main purpose and goal in your professional work?
I just love creating lots & better works, enjoying making each piece of art & uploading them in my DA gallery. I also likes to work on commissions since I'm still faaar... from being rich. I, however, can't work in a design firm, art studio or game developer anymore since my stamina is too low to catch up with their tight schedules... ^^"
7. What is your hope about digital art?
Um, I'm not sure I understand this question but... I hardly follow what & what's not a trend in digital art world. I don't have much time to get involved with art communities outside DA since my plant shop, my family & my pets have taken lotsa of my time already...
8. Quote from you about” you” as (digital artist, vector artist, vexel artist)
Painting makes me whole! ^^
9. Quote from you about your life as human being
Happiness is not the absence of problems but rather about how you deal with them.
10. What do you think about the internet for all of your existence in this earth?
It's nice to have another life in another "world" than my daily routine real life. I can say most of the things I want and I can be very expressive about my self.
11. Quote from you about computer and the entire thing about that’s support you become you now?
It's only a tool. Skill is about passion & hard works, not tools.
12. What is the most important thing for you to be a digital artist (vector/vexels/digital artist/other)
To paint what I feel and what I want.
13. What is the most important thing for you to be” human” in this earth?
To be understood.
14. If you believing god, what do you think about all of god creation?
Great? I'm not very religious.
15. What do you think about the “time” for your chance to be “you” now?
I'm a late bloomer for an artist, but I like to do my best with what I have and try to enjoy things I can do now. :)
16. What is the best art from you, and that you think is the best, and tell me why?
I don't have one now... still experimenting with my new coloring style, waiting for the next master piece to be born...
17. What does “fun” feeling mean to you?
Working on something that we love and possibly get money from it, well, at least a big appreciation. :3
18. Would you like to share one of your fun experiences?
A great sample of once upon a time of a fun time I had in DA: http://emmil.deviantart.com/gallery/#Black-Soul-Comics
19. Are you honest about all of your artworks, and that they are really your
true creativity and not from your employer's work, because if it's true, the artworks will be featured?
Jeebuz... If I'm an art thief, I won't last long in DA or gain a thick in front of my name I think.
and her is exotic beauty of Emmilia THomas, behind all fantastic Emmil artwork
Just me today :P by `emmil on deviantART
Dear Emmil, thank you for answering all of this interview, hope all the best all lucky, all fortune, all happiness, happen with you in all your day, may all your hope, wish and dream come true, and good luck with everything you do
Weknow : www.weknow.deviantart.com
funrecord “life for fun”
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Lanitta International Digital Artist from Ukraine
Bath Guest by ~lanitta on deviantART
Undine by ~lanitta on deviantART
Shoes - The Process by ~lanitta on deviantART
Spring by ~lanitta on deviantART
Orange Girl 2 by ~lanitta on deviantART
Flower Girl by ~lanitta on deviantART
New Dress For Odyssey by ~lanitta on deviantART
Soft Violet by ~lanitta on deviantART
Valentine's Fairy by ~lanitta on deviantART
Polly by ~lanitta on deviantART
Present by ~lanitta on deviantART
Moo-Moo by ~lanitta on deviantART
Cheers by ~lanitta on deviantART
Dorothy by ~lanitta on deviantART
New Year Party by ~lanitta on deviantART
Tricky Vicky by ~lanitta on deviantART
Fashion 3 by ~lanitta on deviantART
Elise by ~lanitta on deviantART
New Year Fairy by ~lanitta on deviantART
Dreamy by ~lanitta on deviantART
Pretty Good Evening by ~lanitta on deviantART
Victoriya by ~lanitta on deviantART
Fashion 2 by ~lanitta on deviantART
Pretty Good Day by ~lanitta on deviantART
Odri by ~lanitta on deviantART
Sexy Boy by ~lanitta on deviantART
Girl by ~lanitta on deviantART
Forget Me Not by ~lanitta on deviantART
Fashion by ~lanitta on deviantART
What a Hell by ~lanitta on deviantART
Kitty by ~lanitta on deviantART
Lily by ~lanitta on deviantART
Orchid by ~lanitta on deviantART
Shopping 2 by ~lanitta on deviantART
Dark Boy by ~lanitta on deviantART
Passive Agressive by ~lanitta on deviantART
Fragile by ~lanitta on deviantART
Kitty by ~lanitta on deviantART
Summer Girl by ~lanitta on deviantART
Office by ~lanitta on deviantART
Bang Bang by ~lanitta on deviantART
Red Evil by ~lanitta on deviantART
Diane by ~lanitta on deviantART
Expromt by ~lanitta on deviantART
Sad Angel by ~lanitta on deviantART
Joker by ~lanitta on deviantART
After Party by ~lanitta on deviantART
Pink Violet by ~lanitta on deviantART
Christmas Girl by ~lanitta on deviantART
Strike a Pose by ~lanitta on deviantART
chatterboxes by ~lanitta on deviantART
Cowboy Girl by ~lanitta on deviantART
Twiggy Style by ~lanitta on deviantART
Shhhhh... by ~lanitta on deviantART
Eve by ~lanitta on deviantART
Angie by ~lanitta on deviantART
Princess Impossible by ~lanitta on deviantART
Let's Spend the Night... by ~lanitta on deviantART
Shopping Time by ~lanitta on deviantART
Dancing Queen by ~lanitta on deviantART
So Now What?.. by ~lanitta on deviantART
Sping Time by ~lanitta on deviantART
Do U Luv Me In Black? by ~lanitta on deviantART
changes any looks and appearance with fashion stuff in glowing vibrant charms fantastic colorfull of lanitta artwork, for all those beauty, this makes lanitta as valuable digital artist for our lovely digital earth
you can see all lanitta artwork on www.lanitta.com or www.lanitta.deviantart.com
heres the interview with Svetlana Makarova or lanitta
1.What is your real name, what is your nick name on internet, and Short story behind your nick name that you use to introduce you in this digital world?
My real name is Svetlana Makarova and my internet name is lanitta.
“lanitta” appeared occasionally about 8 years ago, when I simply needed an ICQ name, and it came from my real name Svetlana> lana> lanitta.
2. Tell me short story about the real of you, where do you live?, background of your life, and your social life?
I live in Kiev, Ukraine, born in Lugansk (Eastern Ukraine).
I’m very sociable and friendly person. ^^
3. What is your specialty in digital art?( vector, vexels, or other)?
In digital art I specialize in vector. Draw in such programs as CorelDRAW, Adobe Illustrator and sometimes Xara Extreme Pro.
4. Tell me short story about your specialty skill and technique that’s make different from other artist?
Hmm, I guess my passion to details and fashion.
5. Tell me short story about idea behind of all of your artwork?
The idea behind my works is that I simply love what I’m doing now. Especially - drawing clothes which could be easily explained with my childish dream to become a fashion designer.
6. What is your main purpose and goal in your professional work?
My main purpose by now is to create fashion illustrations for some worldwide famous fashion designers, for example Marc Jacobs.
And maybe become a fashion designer too, who knows. ;P
7. What is your hope about digital art?
My hope about digital art is that it will constantly be developing and inspiring.
8. Quote from you about” you” as (digital artist, vector artist, vexel artist)
There’s no end for self perfection, so I never stop learning.
9. Quote from you about your life as human being
I like this one a lot: "Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goal." (Henry Ford)
I like it because its really true, - when you want smth you should think of how to reach that goal, not bout the reasons why you can’t do that. I can’t really say that I always stand to it, but I try my best, ^^
10. What do you think about the internet for all of your existence in this earth?
Internet is an essential part of my life now. As it is a great source of knowledge and inspiration, allowing to see great pieces of art.
11. Quote from you about computer and the entire thing about that’s support you become you now?
Without my computer and my tablet I can hardly imagine my life now.
12. What is the most important thing for you to be a digital artist (vector/vexels/digital artist/other)
The most important thing for me to be a digital artist is an opportunity to express myself, my fashion designs, funny stories that come to my mind.
13. What is the most important thing for you to be” human” in this earth?
To be beside people I love, feel their love and give love in return.
14. If you believe in god, what do you think about all of god creation?
I believe in God, and I believe that all this creation makes sense. ^^
15. What do you think about the “time” for your chance to be “you” now?
I think that there’s still a lot to learn and improve in my skills.
16. What is the best art from you, and that you think is the best, and tell me why?
The best piece is still to come. ;)
17. What’s mean “fun” feeling for you?
To live. ;)
18. If you have feeling fun, would you like to share and what would it be?
Sure I would share my fun with everyone by drawing some funny pic. ;P
19. do you honest about all of your artwork, and it’s all is your true creativity and not from your Employer work, because if its true, the artwork will be featured
Yep, all this was created by me.
here is beauty lanitta photograph behind all lanitta artwork

dear lanitta, thanks for sharing all of your fascination beauty artwork, hope everything greatfull, fantastic, amazing, charm, beauty, lucky, fortune, happiness, happen in all your day, and may all your wish and dream come true good luck
funrecord "life for fun
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