Flower Garden by ~Applemoment on deviantART
Butterfly by ~Applemoment on deviantART
chocolat by ~Applemoment on deviantART
My Siren by ~Applemoment on deviantART
she put a lot of sweet fruit from her lovely moment as can you see all of her fruit from her garden at http://applemoment.deviantart.com/, so sweet, so nice, so fresh, that's why make applemoment as valuable artist in this digital earth.
and im so full of fruit in mouth now, while im interview Applemoment
here is
What is your real name, what is your nick name on internet, and Short story behind your nick
name that you use to introduce you in this digital world?
My name is Angellina, my nickname is Applemoment. I use that name Applemoment from all my lovely moment I spend with my Apple (mac) to create my imagination into some artworks.
Tell me short story about the real of you, where do you live?, background of your life, and your
social life?
I was born in Cirebon, a small town in Central Java but I spend almost all my life in Jakarta. I choose an Architecture major, Tarumanagara Univ, then continue at Visual Communication Design major, Bina Nusantara Univ. Now I am an internship student, first in Del Suria SDN BHD, Malaysia, now at Caravan Studio, a small comics company belongs to Chris Lie. I am addicted to sweet beverages and most of my time Im spending it in a nice coffeehouse with my boyfriend or girlfriends.
What is your specialty in digital art?( vector, vexels, or other)?
My speciality is in Vector art. But now as I learn to be a colorist, I am also love to mix my vector with some touch of digital painting.
Tell me short story about your specialty skill and technique that’s make different from other
I found my technique not so long ago. I use a photograph of a real person for a natural and unique pose, and change all the looks on that photograph into something wonderful and different. I like to used detail and many colors, each of my model have a different detail. My speciality skill is only work on female shape. I can not do the male, always looks weird.
Tell me short story about idea behind of all of your artwork?
The idea, all is to catch every eye who's lookin at my artwork. I want my artwork become inspirational for everyone. So I'm adding a detail. Detail is always work to get the attention. Lately Im starting to create a simple story before I make an artwork, so every of my painting will have a different story behind.
What is your main purpose and goal in your professional work?
I want to have my own exhibition.
What is your hope about digital art?
I hope that digital art will have a nice place beside all real painting art. Bcos it have the same difficulty, people always said that digital painting is more easy, bcoz its using a computer. That piss me off.
Quote from you about” you” as (digital artist, vector artist, vexel artist)
My life is colorful thats why it always feel wonderful.
Quote from you about your life as human being
I feel funny.
What do you think about the internet for all of your existence in this earth?
Internet is a cheap way for me to see the world and also a cheap way for the world to see me.
Quote from you about computer and the entire thing about that’s support you become you now?
Zappa zappa zuu! I love you!
What is the most important thing for you to be a digital artist (vector/vexels/digital artist/other)
The most important thing for me is the money, more money, more creative I will be. No money, I will not be a digital artist. I will be a business woman like my mom.
What is the most important thing for you to be” human” in this earth?
To paint the world.
If you believing god, what do you think about all of god creation?
He is so cool. Every artist get all the inspiration from His creation.
What do you think about the “time” for your chance to be “you” now?
That will be some old saying "better late than never." so many young and talented artist now, but I am still glad to choose this path eventho its too late.
What is the best art from you, and that you think is the best, and tell me why?
The best is Flower Garden. Because I was crazy to make that nonstop in 3 days 2 night. crap deadline. But it is on DD. Thats one of the best day in my life.

What’s mean “fun” feeling for you?
fun is the time when i am become spechless because of happiness feeling I have at a moment.
If you have feeling fun, would you like to share and what would it be?
Somebody likes my artwork! *^^*
do you honest about all of your artwork, and it’s all is your true creativity and not from your employer work, because if its true, the artwork will be featured
ot all because some of it have a copyright. For example : the Angel, i made that from a stock photo belong to somebody. Just ask me which one u want.
this is the girl behind apple moment
well, love your art and good luck with everything you do
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