This man is so great, Yanke dogg answer all my question with full of the detail, its showing his passion to this digital earth, im so proud that Don, AKA Yankee Dog,showing his art and also his hearth into this earth.
this man is tottaly creative, he work in anything and everything, this is the spirit for all digital artist around the world, and I believe in, as you can see all of his work in here http://yankeedog.deviantart.com/, this make Don, AKA Yankee Dog, as valuable digital artist on earth
so here is, the total interview with YankeeDog
What is your real name, what is your nick name on internet, and Short story behind your nick name that you use to introduce you in this digital world?
My name is Don Henderson, on Deviant Art I'm known as Yankee Dog. Yankee Dog was a derogatory term used by the Japanese on American prisoners of war. Out of respect for American Soldiers, Sailors and Airmen, I wear the label with pride.
Tell me short story about the real of you, where do you live?, background of your life, and your social life?
I was born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania in 1957. I went to several of the same schools as Andy Warhol. My aunt was friends with Andy. As a child, I attended art classes at the Carnegie Museum in Oakland. I later studied graphic design, illustration and photography at the Art Institute of Pittsburgh. I have worked as a graphic designer and illustrator for over 30 years. I'm married and have two children. I live in New Kensington, a small town north of Pittsburgh in the Allegheny Valley.
What is your specialty in digital art?( vector, vexels, or other)?
I do Vector Art, but I come from a traditional art background with heavy emphasis on drawing and painting. For many years I worked exclusively with colored pencils as well as airbrush and watercolors.
Tell me short story about your specialty skill and technique that’s make different from other artist?
Like any artist, I have a vision for what I want my art to look like. I have been heavily influenced by Art Nouveau, Art Deco, Celtic Art and the Pop Art of the 1960's. I was also heavily influenced by the Pin-Up art of George Petty, Alberto Vargas, Gil Elvgren and Al Moore as well as the aircraft Nose Art that their Pin-Ups inspired. I also have to mention the influence that the industrial designer Raymond Loewy had on my art. His style and design was of such a high quality and class that he touched every aspect of American society from his automobile designs to his railroad locomotive designs for the Pennsylvania Railroad. My heritage as an Irish American plays an important in my art as well.
As an artist I tend not to focus too much on one subject , but will explore something till I've exhausted it's potential and then I move on to something else. My illustrations are as varied as my influences.
Tell me short story about idea behind of all of your artwork?
I tend to illustrate things that are cool or interesting to me. I also take great pride in where I'm from. Pittsburgh and Pennsylvania feature prominently in my art. Working in Pittsburgh, you can't help but be influenced by it's rich history and culture. The rest of the world views Pittsburgh as a smoky steel town, but there is so much more to the city, I just love it here
What is your main purpose and goal in your professional work?
In my professional work as a graphic designer I do a lot of package design and advertising. I work on anything and everything from business cards and logo design to large posters and banners.
I also do a lot of artwork for the United States Air Force and for wounded veterans through the Coalition to Salute America's Heroes http://saluteheroes.org/
As far as a goal, I'd like to be able to make a difference in peoples lives, I volunteer for causes that are important to me and I donate my time and artwork in the hopes of making a difference in others lives. Eventually I would like to get out of doing commercial art and just focus on doing limited edition prints of my illustrations and only do commercial art for non-profit organizations, charities and for friends.
What is your hope about digital art?
I would like to see digital art receive the same attention that traditional art receives. As digital printing technology has improved, I think people will begin to appreciate the quality of digital art more. Having worked in both traditional and digital art I'm able to look at things from a different perspective in terms of the amount of work and skill level that goes into each and while I don't want to say one is easier than the other, digital art is much more complicated to produce, the same creative process goes into both, but the process and the outcome are vastly different.
Quote from you about” you” as (digital artist, vector artist, vexel artist)
On Vector Art and Digital Art in general I would like to be seen as an inspiration to others and proof that hard work and dedication to ones art is a noble thing
Quote from you about your life as human being
I like to see myself as a positive influence in the lives of people around me, if I can do something to help others through my art, if I can make somebody happier by them seeing my art and if I can be an inspiration to other artists, I will consider myself a success.
What do you think about the internet for all of your existence in this earth?
I love the internet, I think it's one of the greatest communication inventions ever created. Being able to reach people all over the world with my art, to be a able to work with people in other cities and countries is just amazing to me.
Quote from you about computer and the entire thing about that’s support you become you now?
I have had a love hate relationship with the computer and my artwork. It's a wondrous tool, but it's a constant battle to keep up with the technology both with software and hardware. From the beginning I have worked on an Apple computer using mostly Adobe software to create my artwork. Keeping up with the latest software and the latest operating systems is one of the more stressful things I have to deal with as a Digital Artist. At times there have been inconsistencies between Adobe software versions, the changing of quick keys from one version to the next. If I could say one thing to software developers, keep things consistent from one version to the next, things should flow not jump and if the software is not ready, don't release it, fix the bugs and then release the product.
What is the most important thing for you to be a digital artist (vector/vexels/digital artist/other)
The most important thing to me is as a digital artist is to not have my artwork look digital. I don't want my art to look like I pushed a button to create it.
What is the most important thing for you to be” human” in this earth?
To live in harmony with others. One of the things I like about living in the United States is that you don't have to conform to any one thing, you can follow your dream and as long as it doesn't hurt others, you can do or be anything you want. I know all over the world Americans for one reason or another are painted as evil, we're not. I wish the rest of the world could know how wonderful it is to live in a free country with the right to choose and to not have to live in fear of persecution because of your religion, your skin color, your national origin, your political party. Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness is what it is all about, that's the American dream.
If you believing god, what do you think about all of god creation?
This is a world of wonder and beauty, but I am constantly disappointed by how ugly and greedy people can be. Too many people are only concerned about themselves and have no clue about the suffering of others, they are motivated by greed and corrupted by power, they murder and justify it in the name of their god. I don't believe my God would tolerate a suicide bomber in his realm, I'm even thinking the depths Hell would be too good for the likes of people like that. There is not a single one of us who chose to be born in one place or another, one country or another, but we can all choose between right and wrong, good and evil. Killing in the name of god is not what being here is about. I believe we all have the duty to try to make this world better in some way, it's all about giving, not taking.
What do you think about the “time” for your chance to be “you” now?
I think it's a difficult time for everybody, I try to make things better for those around me and hopefully by paying it forward it will spread. I try to make the best of every situation. I enjoy creating my artwork and sharing it and discussing it with others.
What is the best art from you, and that you think is the best, and tell me why?

I'm really happy with my illustration "Evolution" that I did for the Pittsburgh Society of Illustrators' Pittsburgh Recast Show last year. Being a fan of the Pennsylvania Railroad and having the chance to have my artwork featured in a major show about Pittsburgh at a venue like the Senator John Heinz History Center was a big thrill. I tried to take this illustration up a notch due to the high profile of the show and it really paid off. My illustration was shown on television several times and on line, so it got a good bit of exposure. I was also very pleased with the illustration I did for the 2007 Pittsburgh Vintage Grand Prix for their 25th Anniversary.
What’s mean “fun” feeling for you?
The creative process is fun to me. My art is all about having fun even when I illustrate a serious theme. I enjoy doing artwork and seeing people's reaction to my work and then the interaction I have with my fellow artists both on and off Deviant Art.
If you have feeling fun, would you like to share and what would it be?
LOL! My idea of fun is going 85 mph down the highway, top down on my Jeep with the stereo playing LeAnn Rimes full blast!
do you honest about all of your artwork, and it’s all is your true creativity and not from your Employer work, because if its true, the artwork will be featured
I keep my professional art, the graphic design that I do for a living and my illustration separate. The illustrations that I post on Deviant are done for my soul. Too often the work I do for a living is not always mine in the end, I have creative input into it, but when all is said and done it's usually a compromise of my design and the clients needs. My illustrations on the other hand is what I do for fun, when i do my illustrations I only have to answer to myself and the people who enjoy my artwork.
Good luck with your Blog, it's very cool! If you have anymore questions or need anything else, just send me a note.
Weknow, Thanks you for writing me and giving me the opportunity to tell my story on your International Digital Artist Blog.
Very Best Regards,
-Don, AKA Yankee Dog
here is the originaly of Don Henderson behind all YankeeDog Art

Very best regards from funrecord Yankee, for your totality, and funrecord so proud on you, because this is the time of DIGITAL AGE, and you are the man that will inspire everyone who will see your art http://yankeedog.deviantart.com/
Good luck for good heart and good art, you’ve made good earth, May your entire wish comes true.
Funrecord “life for fun”
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